yellow belt exam - Haag Karate Course

The Yellow Belt exam was for us karatekas as Shotokan Artists. I was very excited for a while because it included the exam to get my yellow belt when passing.
Besides being nervous, I’d have said I’d been ready to go and get it. Or, at least my trainer gave me the go the day before, I’d have been fine.

Before the exam, there’d be 3 ½ hours of training (including a 30-minute break) and a celebration for one of our dojos in Upper Austria since they’d celebrated their dojo’s 25th year after.

During this training session, a lot can happen, and techniques can be improved, but it could confuse one more. I hoped for the first.


Usually, we’d check on how many of us would be there to go so we could plan and organize enough drivers to go in groups via carpooling.

I always see this as fun, especially when excited about training, which we most likely share at some point or another.


Many of us were already there, so we hurried up a bit, paid our usual, and went to the changing rooms, which usually isn’t as exciting but when you meet all the people you mostly know from the changing room again.

The training itself was fun

As always, we’d go through some basics and some new techniques. During the break, I was twisted between not being that nervous anymore and also being nervous.

As long as the training went on, I lost my nervousness, which was good.

In the second half, we went through the training program for the exam, which was also helpful.

Right before the exam, it was the worst. We all went to the toilet to be calmer but had only a few minutes, not even a small break.

I wasn’t the only one who attended the exam; many other artists were taking theirs.

Yellow Belt Exam

Kihon and Kata went pretty well, I’d say. Well, if I hadn’t been as nervous as I was.
For Kumite, it would have been easier for me to do that part with someone my height, but it was my first exam. My sparring partner was supportive enough to help each other out.

After all, I was nervous and made mistakes I could easily have avoided. Well, next time, I’d be more prepared, I guess.
After all, I passed, and I was so happy and still am!
It gives a whole new possibility to be 8th Kyu and train for the orange belt, 7th Kyu.

25th Anniversary Party of Dojo Haag

The party was absolutely fun! We had an all-you-can-eat buffet, a cake & coffee corner, a band, and a bar. They had a slideshow running and a photo wall to see their achievements through the years.


I’d say, overall, it was a lot of fun and also challenging as it should be. I very much hope it gets easier to pass exams and cut the nervousness out.

The evening also went great; we had a great band, and the food was good. I’m so happy they organized vegan food!

Thanks to the community of the Karatekas, I managed to get a drive back to my booked room as well. It was pretty much worth it, and I would do it again!

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